We're back open on Monday, June 1st
From the week beginning 1 June 2020, Purple Willows Day Nursery & Preschool in Sidcup and Belvedere will welcome back all children following the latest government directive to re-open nurseries.

Over the last few weeks we have prepared our childcare settings in anticipation of reopening and have develop a number of new ways of operating. This will allow us to open as safely as possible, focusing on measures that will help limit the risk of coronavirus transmitting within our daycare nurseries.
Some of the steps we are taking in readiness for reopening include:
Asking that anyone who is displaying coronavirus symptoms, or who lives with someone who does, not to attend the setting. That includes children and staff who work here.
Keeping our children in small groups with as much consistent staffing as possible, and minimising contact with other groups around the setting.
Cleaning our hands more often than usual. We have developed routines to ensure children understand when and how to wash their hands, making sure they wash them thoroughly for at least 20 seconds using running water and soap and dry them thoroughly, or use alcohol hand rub or sanitiser ensuring that all parts of the hands are covered.
Ensuring our children understand good respiratory hygiene by promoting the ‘catch it, bin it, kill it’ approach and ensuring a good supply of tissues and bins throughout the setting.
Implementing an enhanced cleaning schedule, ensuring surfaces touched by children and staff are cleaned regularly and throughout the day, including table tops, door handles and play equipment.
Asking parents and carers to physically distance from each other and from staff when dropping off and collecting their children and to limit drop off and collection to one parent or carer per household.
Asking children not to bring toys or other items from home to the setting, unless this is essential to their health and wellbeing.
All children who are attending Purple Willows Nursery and Preschool will have access to a test if they display symptoms of coronavirus. We ask all parents to ensure they organise a test for their child, in the event that they develop coronavirus symptoms, and notify the nursery immediately of a positive test.
We are looking forward to welcoming our children back to nursery.