COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Purple Willows Update
Following the current outbreak of the Coronavirus (COVID-19), we are monitoring events and we have put together some information, all of which is based on Public Health England Guidance.

As a childcare provider, we take health and safety in our nurseries extremely seriously. We have hand sanitizers placed at all entrance doors and signage at the reception to remind people of the importance of personal hygiene at our nurseries.
We have also made the decision to advise nursery staff not to greet parents and visitors with a handshake for the foreseeable future due to the current situation of COVID-19. We believe this simple response will help to reduce risk to all in our local community.
Further, we have suspended all outing engagement/trips until further notice.
If however, we become aware of any child, parent/carer or employees that test positive for Coronavirus, we will follow advice from HM Government and take the recommended action.
If your child is sick, please do not send them to the nursery. If anyone in your family shows symptoms of the COVID-19 virus, please contact your doctor or healthcare provider about being tested. If anyone in your family does test positive then please contact the nursery so we can take the recommended action. All information will be kept confidential.
Purple Willows will continue to follow all recommendations for cleaning and disinfecting facilities within the childcare setting.
We are monitoring the situation and our main focus is maintaining the safety of our children and staff. We will continue to update parents/carers with any new nursery information.