Farewell to our Preschool Graduates

We are honored and pleased to deliver farewell to our Elephants Class graduates. We are proud of the children achievements in all the EYFS curriculum and their sweet memories will forever remain in our hearts.
Our graduation ceremony was held at Bupa Care Home on Friday 9th of August 2019, and proud families and the children older friends at the care home watched on as the children marked the end of their time at Purple Willows Daycare Nursery with a day of party celebration and performances.
It was a very emotional day as many of the children have been with us since the opening of the nursery in 2018. The children were such a joy and a bundle of energy that made us all feel like children. Roland Tandoh director of Purple Willows said "it is time to say goodbye, but goodbyes are sad and always difficult to say to children, and I will rather say hello! Hello to a new adventure. We are so proud of each and every one of you and would like to wish you all the best at primary school and the future".
At the end of the ceremony the children enjoyed the day with their family in true graduation style.

We would like to thank the nursery staff and managers for all their hard work this year, and to all the Children and their Parents who helped make the graduation day a success.
We might be saying goodbye right now, but we will always be here for all parents and their children whenever they need us. We wish all the children the very best of luck in their days ahead at primary school.