Forest School
Purple Willows
Forest School
Purple Willows Forest School offers an excellent opportunity for play and exploration. Designed to help children to develop their confidence and improve their self-esteem, the Forest School enable the children to be more physically active whilst enjoying the fresh air and new experiences. This adds a sense of excitement and adventure for the children, who are free to explore and manipulate the environment around them using all of their senses
We believe children learn to solve problems and be creative as well as imaginative at Forest School. Our Forest School lessons are structured to enhance the children's social development as they learn how to collaborate within a team and how to share their ideas and listen to others.
We ensure a high adult ratio is in place during Forest School lessons in order to maintain the children safety. The lessons also help our nursery nurses get to know the children individually and to learn and understand their unique learning styles.
As children become familiar with Forest School they learn and develop the emotional and social skills to ensure a smooth transition to school.